hi all,sorry i havent posted lately,but i just cant seem to get organised these days. first,i was saddened by the death of bobrobert,my deepest sympathies to steve. The Wheel of Fortuna is a blog i sometimes read,and i gave the MS award to.sadly MS has claimed another life. "complications caused by MS" is still "killed by MS" in my book.and i am so sorry steve.
On a more positive note,meet LAMS.life and MS. the north norfolk branch has its own little site on facebook,its a group run by MS sufferers FOR MS sufferers.any of my readers who are on facebook,Facebook LAMS North Norfolk please drop by and say hi.the group meet on a monday,which at the moment means i cant attend their meetings,so Roger kindly invited me to visit their website,and i joined the "virtual LAMS",lol. i met Roger and the charming Moyra from the group at the MS course i have been attending. i am going to try and swap a "day off" over one week soon so i can go along and meet everyone there. it seems a great group of people.
the course has been interesting,this friday coming is the last,and i shall be sorry when its over.first week we had my MS nurse Linda giving a talk on what her role as an MS nurse is,etc.then after coffee,healthy eating with the dietician for north norfolk. ( as i write this i'm munching on a deep pan meat feast pizza,enough said lol). second week we had a senior physiotherapist explaining just what MS is,what it does,the symptoms,etc.and in the second half "staying active and keeping well" a very informative talk. settles more comfy into chair.( typing hard work) then this last one should have been continence and relationship issues but the speaker had to pull out at the last minute.( zoe,stop sniggering,i know you are.) instead we had teresa who is from the MS Society and who is running these courses,give us a talk on the role of the society,and the work it does. Multiple Sclerosis Society Website - Welcome to the MS Society - Supp & Servic for anyone interested. please consider joining.i think its still £5 a year,which is little enough to pay.details on their website.then Moyra gave a great talk on her MS,how it started,her symptoms,etc.personally i thought she did great, and for the second half, complementary therapies. Now,i am very open minded.i know acupuncture works for many people with different problems,it helped a friend with pain.reflexology,massage,great. and i was looking forward to discovering something that may help to alleviate some of the symptoms. instead of which,we got a sales pitch frankly.the "therapist" spent the whole hour telling us how wonderful she was,how great her indian head massages were,how ear candling would help our ear wax melt (i lost the will to live somewhere round that point) how she was a reiki master,and how we could all make money,(a "business oppurtunity to make some money"!!) by selling the range of diet shakes,overpriced skin care gunk,etc. she was trying to sell at the end.NOT ONCE did she tell us what benefit an MS sufferer could expect from any of these therapies,or indeed that massage is liable to increase fatigue in MS unless its a stimulating massage,( zoe,go and leave the classroom now,lolol) all in all,she was bloody useless.and i am telling teresa exactly what i think this next time.this last session is benefits and employment issues,someone from the CAB is coming to talk.( citizens advice bureau, for my american friends) and finally the speech and language specialist. something i am particularly interested in,as my swallowing and speech are both deteriorating. it has been very good,most informative,apart as i said the alternative therapies,its a small group,only around 8 or 9 attending.2 only just diagnosed.and maybe for 1 in particular,a bit too much information for them to want to know.thanks to Moyra and Roger for inviting me to LAMS,i shall come and see you soon.
mum has had such bad feet,finally the bunion healed,although another 2 toes on her other foot had some strange little sores,gout is suspected.sam the practise nurse,dressed them,and told us to see the chiropodist to see if he could help with anything to take the pressure off that bunion,so i made an appointment.all i can say is,the man is an idiot.his idea was to use a felt on it,which was sticky backed,then wrap it in a dressing,same for the other foot.poor mum could hardly get her feet into the loose fitting slippers she was luckily wearing. suffice it to say,the next morning she was in agony,far too much padding,so tight it had her in tears. took the whole lot off,used antiseptic cream,and a thin dressing. sam was horrified.that bunion was RED when i removed his handiwork,another day or 2 and i am sure it would have split again.not impressed.she should go back this week and see him again.she isn't. we are going to pay a visiting chiropodist i have been reccommended. think it will be money well spent. Now,i haven't been feeling too good. so last wednesday i went and saw the new lady dr.dr.B,as i knew i had yet another chest infection,sure enough i have,on antibiotics,yet again. the fact oil seed rape is now in flower isn't helping matters either.i loathe the damn stuff,fields of acid yellow flowers i can smell miles away. so that was ok,BUT, i also had to tell her about the pains i am getting in my left arm. angina.which seems sometimes to be worse than it was. she was concerned to hear this,so took my blood pressure,listened to heart,and got the nurse to give me an ECG. which looks normal im glad to say,she wanted me to go to the cardiac walk in clinic the next day,to have them check me over,but when she rang them,she was told because i am still under my cardiologist,they couldn't see me.and put her through to jo,my cardiac nurse. she was also worried,so went and told Dr.E who had done my stents.he said he would look through my notes and get back to dr.B. so,i came home.2.30 she rang me.he had rung her.and has decided that perhaps its those 2 thin arteries he was unable to get to before,and as he couldn't do it with an angiogram,he is now going to do some cardiac pressure stress testing???? sounds like fun. anyway,i am on his waiting list for it.the Dr is seeing me this wed.just to check my blood pressure etc.again. i am glad i saw her.i know there is something not right.not enough to get me that worried i would ring 999,but discomfort.
the last few days have been nice,the pots and baskets in the greenhouse are growing well,many in flower.if it keeps like this i shall be putting them out in 2 weeks. having said that we had one hell of a frost last week,it dropped to minus3 celsius.which is bloody cold for late april here. that didnt help,and i am going to buy more tomato plants as i am sure the 6 i had in pots in greenhouse,small plants,have been frosted. got that blue colour that means they copped it.the garden is colourful,and growing away.
i havent read many blogs lately,due to worry over mum,my MS accelerating, feeling tired, and i am sorry to those who i seldom visit,but i do try and pop in and catch up with you all.hope everyone has a good week,soon be may,take care all.
one last thing,thanks to sugar for allowing anyone who wishes to use it, my MS tag i used as an award.so,LAMS please feel free if anyone would like it. thanks to all my readers for lovely comments,and to my american mom lucy,who is a bit poorly herself.you take care my dear friend.and to the rest of you,i wish you peace and pain free days,mort x
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Friday, 2 April 2010

i have a course over the next 4 friday afternoons on living with MS.its being held in north norfolk for the first time.MS society hosting it,and my lovely MS nurse linda rung and asked me to attend. looking forward to it,different experts every week.congatulations to LYNDA HINDS,MS nurse for north norfolk in receiving a lifetime achievement award from the MS society.well deserved lynda.not just because we went to school together lol.
hope everyone is well,sorry but i am not reading blogs so often,had lot on mind.thanks to herrad for the beautiful blogger award, and please will anyone who would like it help themselves.assume if you are reading this that you deserve it.take care all.
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