MY NEW BABY.FORD FIESTA ZETEC 1.25. got it home wednesday,and yes if you look closely the front tyre is flat.had to get tyre company out today. somehow it sustained a large cut in the sidewall. almost as if some jealous person shoved a stanley knife in it.nobody would be so mean. would they??? no comment.
lovely inside,comfortable,plenty of room to get mum in and out. and me.
So,that is the something new and blue,the old??oh,the usual beast that is MS.saw the consultant last week,examined me,made notes,looked at last years notes,listened to what i had to say regarding fatigue,pain,balance. and,just like last year,i am to keep on with the baclofen,plus i also use gabapentin for back pain,which is also used in the treatment of MS, to rest when i need to. usual. see him in 13 months. could have copied last years post really. i know i am worse,he knows i am worse,i damn nigh did kick him,he was examining me and lifted my leg up.and you dont do that when someone has crushed discs. scream from me,yelp from him as my other leg poked him lol. sorry,he said,i clean forgot your back..thankyou. e both know there is damn all he can do for me,so we go through this charade every year. but its not his fault.
the back has been bad,and my ankle.been doing the exercises the foot specialist told me to do.still cant balance on the right foot like he wants. pains bad.torn the long ligament under that foot.maybe at the same time as i did my back in. painkillers help.a bit.choking and swallowing difficultys are back,as is the weak voice. again,i am being careful what i eat. it is common sense really. easier said than done.
So,new car,old pains. mum still has so much pain with that foot. huge bunion. did take her to nurse,who dressed it and made it we undressed it lol. she forgets such silly things,gets angry;.i wont say any more on that score. you all know i shalll care for her as long as i am able.
well,winter is nearly over.the nights draw out,flowers bloom.been a mild winter,one fall of snow,few sharp frosts. very dry,in fact,dangerously so.already warnings of drought later in year.
finally,the end of an era.i sadly gave up being an AOL customer. for nearly 8 years they provided me with internet.i got a better deal with BT,my phone calls are now all free,first 3 months of net is free,new home hub to connect to net,but,i still use AOL.writing this on it. only now its good to be back blogging,won't promise when the next post will be,i am sorry i don't get round to youre blogs very often. but you are all in my thoughts. keep safe and well, take care all. mort xxx