I am in tears as i write this,Jland has lost another of our friends,this time the brave Jane,who finally succumbed to kidney cancer today. A journey of another kind.... was her story. A story of courage,of hope,of fighting against the awful disease she had,and of her fight for funding for Sutent,the drug that gave her,and her beloved husband Martin and family,the extra time they had together.I first came across her journal 2 or more years ago,i saw her link on Pams blog,and clicked it.and sat here in awe.This lovely lady was dying. she had been given maybe 6 months to live,but her journal wasn't self pitying,it was one of hope,of good humour,of her love for her family.There was no "WHY ME LORD?",rather it was more,"well,why not me lord?",yes she has had her bad days,days of despair,but she has made me laugh as much as she has made me cry.She has written of her holidays and cruise,she had a film made about her,about her fight for funding for the drug that had given her that precious extra time to do all those things she wanted to do with Martin and the children.She was featured in YOURS magazine,and i think it is the first time i have ever read it before my mother had even looked at it,lol.And apart from all these things,the one thing that made me come to treasure Jane,to call her my friend was something special.SHE WORRIED ABOUT ME.she has commented on my posts,semt me mails,and always she cared about how I was,how I was feeling,how low I was.how mum was.SHE WAS DYING FROM CANCER.yet she cared about me.as she did about so many more.because she was our Jane.Lately her news has become grimmer and sadder as the cancer spread,and we who have followed her story knew the end was approaching,as did she,but even then she has made me smile with her sense of humour.
Sadly this morning she lost her fight,Jland has lost another friend, Blogspot another blogger,and i have lost someone who has helped me more than she ever knew.It was her journal i used to read when my MS was making me want to give this journal up,when i was feeling self pitying,when the world was against me,it was her journal i read.AND IT MADE ME REALISE I HAD NO RIGHT TO FEEL SELF PITY.Not if Jane could carry on,if she could fight,so could i.
To those of you reading this on Blogspot,or perhaps on Facebook,if you feel that your life is bad,that your illness,personal circumtances,money worries,whatever,make life not worth living,read Janes journal.I defy anyone to not be touched and uplifted by it.JANE IT WAS MY PLEASURE TO ONCE GIVE YOU AN AWARD FOR YOUR BLOG.I NOW DEDICATE THIS,MY PERSONAL TRIBUTE TO YOU,THE BRAVEST,NICEST,LOVELIEST PERSON I HAVE EVER KNOWN, and i am still crying. take care all.
Oh Morton. What a beautiful entry. You summed up Jane perfectly.Such a sad day. My eyes are stinging. Keeping you in my thoughts.I am always here for you Mort, Please always remember that.Love Pam xx
Hi Mort,
Your post about Jane is beautiful thank you for sharing this.
Jane was an amazing woman, thanks for telling about her blog which I have been following for some time now.
Can't believe she is gone so quickly, but I guess that's how it goes.
Thinking of you.
A wonderful tribute, Mort, which does Jane and her memory proud. You are among many that were inspired, and indeed actively encouraged, by her. Once the raw emotion has subsided, remember that Jane's passing is a blessed release from suffering.
A moving entry Mort. Truly heartfelt tribute. Everyone should be so lucky as you guys to have such a friend. You she and She you.
God Bless you, as you continue the fight of caring and sharing.
So sorry Mort, theres no words I can find that will make it better in this time of grief for you, or your friends and the family of Jane, but all I can say is that Jane was lucky to have you as a true friend and so am I and all other friends of yours Im sure. You keep up the good work that you do Mort, always here for you Love Sue xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Mort what a lovely tribute to our Dear Jane ,what an inspiration she was to us all ,bless you ,love to Mum..love Jan xx
Dear Mort, I am saddened for you and for Jane's family. I do hope that as time goes on, you will go back to Jane's journal/blog and find there the very things that helped to lift you up when you were down. Perhaps her wonderful writings are just one small part of her legacy.
Hugs to you. May she rest in peace.
I agree with everything you have said Mort. What a woman! What courage, what a loving husband. A true inspiration. I have added her to our memorial journal where she will remain forever. I have emailed you the link. I cried today over her as well.
Sorry for your loss Mort, she sounds like a wonderful lady.
thank you so much for sharing this...it again proves her selflessness and caring for others while she fought her own battle... illness, in it's ugliness, brings strangers together in beautiful ways!
thank you for your comment to my blog as well!
Awwww Mort, I am so sorry about the loss of your friend, I feel bad I did not know her, she sounded like a great lady , Hugs xxxxxxxx Lisa
Hi Mort, what a lovely tribute to our dear Jane. I think although we all knew that her time with us was drawing to a close it has still come with such a great shock. Jane was a true insperation to us all and we are all bery privildged to have known her. Mey she rest in peace.
God Bless dear Mort, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Love Sybil xx
Great Tribute for a great lady, when Terry nearky 3 three years ago gave me the link to this journal it was only a few weeks old, and I was laways impressed with how upbeat she was plus all the work she put into getting a wider vioce for Kidney Cancer and it's treatment, it was truly inspirational, and your right she did all of this without a trace of self pity and worked so hard to beat i and do do all the things she wanted to to who could forget all her travels of the last few years and of course Her Martin who was unwavering by herside everuy step of the way.
she will be missed by so many here in Jland and of course her family.
I am deeply moved by this tribute, take care, Mort.
Mort what a wonderful tribute you have written for Jane ~ such a brave and caring Lady ~ she will be sadly missed by us all ~ Ally x
A wonderful tribute Mort and I am so sorry. I am feeling ashamed for feeling sorry for myself. Makes me sit up and take notice.
A really BEAUTIFUL tribute to Jane ...Best wishe4s to you Mort
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