Also,i do not know how many of you saw the article on the young 15 year old terminally ill cancer sufferer Alice in the news? she has just started a new blog,alices bucket list about all the things she wants to do in the time she has left.Alice's Bucket List: Hello :) will take you to her blog.i was humbled to read this amazing girls blog. It puts my problems into a different perspective. please leave a comment for Alice,she deserves it.
And finally,i am sorry i haven't posted lately,or been reading blogs.somehow i lost my way,what with breaking up with my friend,( and yes,we are STILL friends,we speak on phone every week)worry about mum,who is getting very forgetful and vague,and in so much pain with arthritis,not to mention a very nasty septic finger that required a course of antibiotics to shift,my own health problems,MS is bad,and my back is making me very depressed and down.All came together recently and i just had enough. money worries do not help either i may add.I hope i can put the past behind me now and move on,so hopefully more posts will be appearing soon.Thanks to Lucy,Herrad,and Beth,and of course Guido for keeping in touch with me,and indeed many more of you have sent emails and messages asking how i am,very kind of you all.
FOR ALL THOSE IN PAIN,SUFFERING THE LOSS OF LOVED ONES,THE SICK,TERMINALLY ILL,AND THOSE WHO ARE SAD AND DEPRESSED,MAY YOU ALL FIND PEACE,and for those who believe,let us pray that cancer and other serious diseases will one day be cured. thankyou for reading,take care all. Mort xx
You are one caring dude Mort, the world is a better place because of you.
Thanks,and that is from a lot of folks I am sure.
CAre, my friend, you care and it shows!!
Mort, my thoughts and prayers are with you and with your friend , you Take care xxxxxx Lisa
Sorry for the loss of your friend.
Thank you Mort. You are such a good friend and loved by more folks than you could ever imagine. We are ALL here for you whenever you want to write about whatever...Sometimes it is good just to write down how you are feeling at times.
Love Sybil xx
I did read the young girls blog, that has cancer, and what a brave girl she is. As for you Mort, I know there are so many problems , with MS and your Mom. Just know I think of you every day weather I am on FB or not. You must take care of you. You have such a big heart. Take care. Your USA mom
I'm very sorry for your lost.
I have an award for you.
Please come to my blog to get it.
Mort, I fell away from blogging for a while & have just found you again.
I am so sorry for your loss.~Mary
So very sorry to hear of Margarets loss. You are so sweet to let us know.
I am now off to check out Alice's site and leave her a note.
Iam so sorry for margarets loss of her sister. Will put her on my prayer list. As I will you and your mum,and young Alice. Am sending all some big HUGS!!! Take Care...
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