on my last post,where i thanked herrad and lucy for the inspirational blogger award they had both given me,ANON wrote the following comment:- you still live at home with your mother?you poor fat fuck. no wonder this stupid "honor" means so much to you.
it also left another longer rambling comment about how it had been a week and a half since i last posted how "retched" i am. let me see if i can clear a few thing up for anon.firstly.if you can read the big words i use,it clearly states on my profile i am a 24/7 carer for my elderly,frail.infirm mother.SO YES,I LIVE AT HOME.HOW ELSE CAN I GIVE 24/7 CARE??? as for why i still live at home.well i made my choice years ago anon,i take it you don't love your mother?or she don't love you?shame that.fat?hmmm do you know me personally anon i wonder?yeah,guilty.i have put weight on.MS does that,and arthritis,i'm no longer able to exercise like i should or would like."no wonder this stupid "honor" means so much to you". now,if you had read it properly,one finger underlining as you read each word like you were taught by the special needs teacher,nowhere do i actually call it an honor.(spelling really not your strong point if the word is over 4 letters is it anon?) i thanked herrad and lucy for thinking enough of my blog to award it to me.hope that clears that up?now why i wonder has ANON suddenly decided to vent his bile on my blog.my good friend beth had her own troll,jolene,who had left a spiteful comment on a post she had done,and i made comment about what a nasty spiteful troll jolene was.then,dear anon had a go at me.coincidence?who knows?are they the same "person"(being polite)?who cares.ANON,like the rest of your kind,you are a coward,a foul mouth,obviously jealous that someone thinks enough of my writing to give me an award.but why?is it possible dear anon that you write a blog?of such awful drivel that nobody in their right mind would ever give you an award,or,worse still,comment.or follow.or read.is that it anon?you jealous?envious?perhaps you don't have any friends?no family?alone and unloved?hope so.you want to leave spiteful,foul mouthed comments,go ahead,be my guest.know what?when i read the comments you left,it gave me the best laugh i have had in ages.however,if you continue to use four letter words,i shall track you down,and get you banned.now,like the piece of dog dirt you are i shall wipe you off my shoe and carry on with the post.
Sorry i haven't been leaving comments on many blogs.i appear to have a problem.on many blogs written via hotmail or internet explorer,when i try to comment,bloody explorer slowly opens,my PC freezes,and i usually crash.whether this is to do with aol,i'm not sure,but it drives me mad.lol.so,until i can get it sorted i may not be leaving comments.i am reading though.
i sit here looking at a blank wall,with several screw holes in.where the cupboard/shelving unit used to be above my computer desk.that is until today.i have been to wells,small seaside town near me,just for an hour,as i drove in my yard my mobile went off.mum.theres been an accident she said.when i walked in,i found the cupboard was resting on my monitor,the length of 3 by 2 under it was nearly off the wall,the wall plugs had failed,the unit had fallen forward,coming to rest as i say on the top edge of the monitor,all the books,files,etc.were all over the floor,what a mess.just lucky i wasn't sitting at my desk or i doubt i would be posting this.badly overloaded.the cupboard weighs a good 30 to 40 pounds,loads of books,must be at least another 40.but i have never known plastic wall plugs to fail so drastically.been up over 6 years so its not as if it is newly put up,i haven't added any more weight these last few days. just glad i decided to go out lol.anyway,i await the inevitable bile and insults from anon,feel free if it makes your miserable nasty life a little bit nicer. oh.i just looked back,it left a comment on april blues posting too.busy little anon.lmao.really is a pathetic creature.
did promise pictures.yes the new camera is working ok,been waiting for a memory card to arrive,as it only holds 10 pics in internal memory.will post soon.take care all my lovely friends.anon?gissa kiss.mwaaahhhhhh